Cheat Sheet #day55 - whoami

Cheat Sheet #day55 - whoami

whoami Command Cheatsheet

The whoami command is used to display the current logged-in user’s username. It is a simple yet useful command, particularly for scripting and troubleshooting.




  • Purpose: Returns the username of the current user.

Examples and Use Cases

Display Current User

  • Outputs the username of the currently logged-in user (e.g., john).

Use in Scripts

You can use whoami in scripts to dynamically reference the current user. For example:

echo "Current user is: $(whoami)"
  • This script will print the current user’s name.

Check User Privileges

Combine whoami with id to display user and group information:

id -u $(whoami)
  • Outputs the user ID of the current user.


whoami has no options. It simply returns the username.

Additional Information

  • Man Page: For more details, you can refer to the whoami man page:

      man whoami

This cheatsheet provides a quick reference to the whoami command. Let me know if you need more information or additional examples!