Git Cheat Sheet
Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes in source code during software development. This cheat sheet covers the most essential Git commands and workflows.
NOTE: Replace user names and emails to suit your environment setup accordingly !!
- Set user name:
git config --global "Cloud Tuned"
- Set user email:
git config --global ""
- Set default text editor:
git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
- View all settings:
git config --list
Repository Setup
- Initialize a new repository:
git init
- Clone an existing repository:
git clone
Basic Commands
- Check repository status:
git status
- Track new files:
git add filename
- Stage all changes:
git add .
- Commit changes:
git commit -m "Commit message"
- Add and commit changes:
git commit -am "Commit message"
- Remove files from staging area:
git reset filename
- Unstage everything:
git reset
- Undo the last commit (keep changes):
git reset --soft HEAD~
- Undo the last commit (discard changes):
git reset --hard HEAD~
- List branches:
git branch
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b new-branch
- Switch to a branch:
git checkout branch-name
- Rename the current branch:
git branch -m new-branch-name
- Delete a branch:
git branch -d branch-name
Merging and Rebasing
- Merge a branch into the current branch:
git merge branch-name
- Rebase the current branch onto another branch:
git rebase branch-name
- Continue a rebase after resolving conflicts:
git rebase --continue
- Abort a rebase:
git rebase --abort
Remote Repositories
- Add a remote repository:
git remote add origin
- List remote repositories:
git remote -v
- Fetch changes from a remote repository:
git fetch
- Push changes to a remote repository:
git push origin branch-name
- Pull changes from a remote repository:
git pull
- List tags:
git tag
- Create a tag:
git tag tag-name
- Delete a tag:
git tag -d tag-name
- Push tags to a remote repository:
git push origin --tags
- Stash changes:
git stash
- List stashes:
git stash list
- Apply the last stash:
git stash apply
- Apply a specific stash:
git stash apply stash@{index}
- Drop a stash:
git stash drop stash@{index}
- Pop the last stash (apply and remove):
git stash pop
Logs and History
- View commit history:
git log
- View commit history with a graph:
git log --graph --oneline --all
- Show changes for a specific commit:
git show commit-hash
- Show changes between two commits:
git diff commit-hash1 commit-hash2
Undoing Changes
- Revert a commit:
git revert commit-hash
- Discard local changes to a file:
git checkout -- filename
- Restore a deleted file:
git checkout commit-hash -- filename
- Show help for a command:
git command --help
- Show the current configuration:
git config --list
- Generate an archive from a branch or tag:
git archive -o archive-name.tar.gz branch-name
This cheat sheet covers the most common Git commands and workflows. For more advanced usage and options, refer to the Git documentation.