Daily Hack #day7 - Httpbin.io

Daily Hack #day7 - Httpbin.io

Httpbin.io is a popular web service that provides HTTP request and response testing. It offers a variety of endpoints that allow users to simulate different HTTP methods, status codes, and request/response formats. Created by Kenneth Reitz, httpbin.io is widely used by developers, testers, and anyone working with HTTP-based applications to debug and experiment with HTTP requests and responses. Its simplicity and ease of use make it an invaluable tool for understanding and troubleshooting web interactions. Whether you're testing API integrations, debugging network issues, or simply learning about HTTP, httpbin.io provides a convenient and reliable platform for exploring and experimenting with HTTP requests and responses.

Here are 2 examples demonstrating how to use httpbin.io with curl along with the corresponding request and response:

  1. GET Request Example:


curl -X GET http://httpbin.org/get


  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Host": "httpbin.org",
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.68.0",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-623f18d5-21a92cb00dbb05d272f92e0e"
  "origin": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
  "url": "http://httpbin.org/get"

This curl command sends a GET request to the /get endpoint of httpbin.org and receives a JSON response containing various details about the request, including headers and origin IP address.

  1. POST Request Example:


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key1": "value1", "key2": 2}' http://httpbin.org/post


  "args": {},
  "data": "{\"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": 2}",
  "files": {},
  "form": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Content-Length": "29",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Host": "httpbin.org",
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.68.0",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-623f18e1-1d0d238c0b49cdcd533ca3f3"
  "json": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": 2
  "origin": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
  "url": "http://httpbin.org/post"

This curl command sends a POST request to the /post endpoint with JSON data and receives a JSON response containing details about the request, including the posted data and request headers.

Note: The origin on both examples will contain the IP address from where you are sending the request from.

These examples show how you can use curl to interact with httpbin.io, sending various HTTP requests and examining the corresponding responses.

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