Cheat Sheet #day16 - kubectl Commands

Cheat Sheet #day16 - kubectl Commands

kubectl Commands Cheat Sheet

kubectl is the command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. This cheat sheet covers the most commonly used kubectl commands to help manage and troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters.

Cluster Information

  • Check kubectl Version:

      kubectl version --client
  • Display Cluster Info:

      kubectl cluster-info
  • List Nodes:

      kubectl get nodes
  • Describe a Node:

      kubectl describe node NODE_NAME


  • List Namespaces:

      kubectl get namespaces
  • Create a Namespace:

      kubectl create namespace NAMESPACE_NAME
  • Delete a Namespace:

      kubectl delete namespace NAMESPACE_NAME


  • List Pods:

      kubectl get pods
  • List Pods in All Namespaces:

      kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  • Describe a Pod:

      kubectl describe pod POD_NAME
  • Get Pod Logs:

      kubectl logs POD_NAME
  • Execute a Command in a Pod:

      kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- COMMAND
  • Create a Pod from a YAML File:

      kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
  • Delete a Pod:

      kubectl delete pod POD_NAME


  • List Deployments:

      kubectl get deployments
  • Describe a Deployment:

      kubectl describe deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME
  • Scale a Deployment:

      kubectl scale deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME --replicas=NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS
  • Update a Deployment:

      kubectl set image deployment/DEPLOYMENT_NAME CONTAINER_NAME=IMAGE:TAG
  • Roll Back a Deployment:

      kubectl rollout undo deployment/DEPLOYMENT_NAME
  • Get Deployment Status:

      kubectl rollout status deployment/DEPLOYMENT_NAME


  • List Services:

      kubectl get services
  • Describe a Service:

      kubectl describe service SERVICE_NAME
  • Expose a Deployment as a Service:

      kubectl expose deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME --type=LoadBalancer --name=SERVICE_NAME
  • Delete a Service:

      kubectl delete service SERVICE_NAME

ConfigMaps and Secrets

  • List ConfigMaps:

      kubectl get configmaps
  • Create a ConfigMap from a File:

      kubectl create configmap CONFIGMAP_NAME --from-file=FILE_PATH
  • Describe a ConfigMap:

      kubectl describe configmap CONFIGMAP_NAME
  • Delete a ConfigMap:

      kubectl delete configmap CONFIGMAP_NAME
  • List Secrets:

      kubectl get secrets
  • Create a Secret from Literal:

      kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=value2
  • Describe a Secret:

      kubectl describe secret SECRET_NAME
  • Delete a Secret:

      kubectl delete secret SECRET_NAME

Persistent Volumes and Claims

  • List Persistent Volumes:

      kubectl get pv
  • Describe a Persistent Volume:

      kubectl describe pv PV_NAME
  • List Persistent Volume Claims:

      kubectl get pvc
  • Describe a Persistent Volume Claim:

      kubectl describe pvc PVC_NAME

Config Management

  • Apply a Configuration:

      kubectl apply -f config.yaml
  • Delete a Resource from a Configuration File:

      kubectl delete -f config.yaml
  • Diff Current State with Configuration File:

      kubectl diff -f config.yaml

Resource Status

  • Get Resource Status:

  • Describe Resource:

      kubectl describe RESOURCE_TYPE RESOURCE_NAME


  • View Events:

      kubectl get events
  • Debug a Resource:

      kubectl describe RESOURCE_TYPE RESOURCE_NAME
  • Check Cluster Components Status:

      kubectl get componentstatuses
  • Get Logs for a Pod:

      kubectl logs POD_NAME
  • Follow Logs for a Pod:

      kubectl logs -f POD_NAME

Cleaning Up

  • Delete a Resource:

      kubectl delete RESOURCE_TYPE RESOURCE_NAME
  • Delete All Pods in a Namespace:

      kubectl delete pods --all -n NAMESPACE_NAME
  • Delete All Resources in a Namespace:

      kubectl delete all --all -n NAMESPACE_NAME


This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to the most commonly used kubectl commands. For more detailed information and advanced usage, refer to the official Kubernetes documentation.

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