Cheat Sheet #day34 - HashiCorp Vault

Cheat Sheet #day34 - HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault Cheatsheet

Basic Concepts

  • Vault: A tool for securely storing and accessing secrets.

  • Secrets: Sensitive data like API keys, passwords, certificates, etc.

  • Policies: Rules that define what actions users can perform on secrets.

  • Authentication Methods: Ways to verify a user's identity (e.g., tokens, LDAP, GitHub).

  • Backends: Storage backends (where data is stored) and secrets backends (how data is managed).

Starting Vault

  1. Install Vault:

    • Download Vault

    • Install using package manager (e.g., brew install vault for macOS).

  2. Start Vault Server:

     vault server -dev
  3. Export Address and Token:

     export VAULT_ADDR=''
     export VAULT_TOKEN='your-root-token'

Basic Commands

  • Initialize Vault:

      vault operator init
  • Unseal Vault:

      vault operator unseal <Unseal Key 1>
      vault operator unseal <Unseal Key 2>
      vault operator unseal <Unseal Key 3>
  • Check Vault Status:

      vault status


  • Login with Token:

      vault login <your-root-token>
  • Enable Authentication Method (e.g., Userpass):

      vault auth enable userpass
  • Create User (Userpass):

      vault write auth/userpass/users/<username> password=<password> policies=<policy>

Secrets Management

  1. Enable a Secrets Engine:

     vault secrets enable -path=secret kv
  2. Write a Secret:

     vault kv put secret/my-secret key1=value1 key2=value2
  3. Read a Secret:

     vault kv get secret/my-secret
  4. List Secrets:

     vault kv list secret/
  5. Delete a Secret:

     vault kv delete secret/my-secret


  1. Create a Policy:

     path "secret/*" {
       capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
  2. Write a Policy:

     vault policy write my-policy my-policy.hcl
  3. Attach Policy to a Token:

     vault token create -policy=my-policy


  1. Create a Token:

     vault token create
  2. Revoke a Token:

     vault token revoke <token>
  3. Lookup Token:

     vault token lookup <token>

Dynamic Secrets

  1. Enable Database Secrets Engine:

     vault secrets enable database
  2. Configure Database Connection:

     vault write database/config/my-database \
       plugin_name=mysql-database-plugin \
       connection_url="{{username}}:{{password}}@tcp(" \
       allowed_roles="my-role" \
       username="root" \
  3. Create a Role for Dynamic Secrets:

     vault write database/roles/my-role \
       db_name=my-database \
       creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}'; \
                           GRANT SELECT ON my-database.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';" \
       default_ttl="1h" \
  4. Generate Dynamic Secrets:

     vault read database/creds/my-role


  1. Enable Audit Device:

     vault audit enable file file_path=/var/log/vault_audit.log
  2. List Audit Devices:

     vault audit list
  3. Disable Audit Device:

     vault audit disable <audit-path>

Useful Commands

  • Help:

      vault help
  • Version:

      vault version
  • License:

      vault license status

Tips and Tricks

  • Environment Variables:

    • Use VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN to avoid passing parameters with every command.
  • Alias:

    • Create command aliases for frequent tasks to speed up your workflow.
  • Scripting:

    • Automate Vault operations using shell scripts for repetitive tasks.
  • Security:

    • Always follow security best practices such as enabling TLS, rotating secrets, and limiting access through policies.

HashiCorp Vault is a robust tool for managing secrets and protecting sensitive data. This cheatsheet provides a quick reference to its core functionalities, helping you to leverage Vault effectively in your security and secrets management tasks.

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