Cheat Sheet #day49 - touch

Cheat Sheet #day49 - touch

touch Command Cheatsheet

The touch command in Unix/Linux is used primarily to create empty files or update the access and modification times of existing files. Below are the basic and advanced usages of the touch command along with practical examples.

Basic Usage

  • Create an empty file

      touch filename
  • Create multiple empty files

      touch file1 file2 file3
  • Update the timestamp of an existing file

      touch filename

Common Options

  • Change only the access time

      touch -a filename
  • Change only the modification time

      touch -m filename
  • Use a specific date and time

      touch -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss] filename
  • Reference another file's timestamps

      touch -r reference_file filename
  • Do not create files (only change timestamps)

      touch -c filename


  • Create a single empty file

      touch file.txt
  • Create multiple empty files

      touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
  • Update the timestamp of an existing file

      touch existing_file.txt
  • Change only the access time

      touch -a file.txt
  • Change only the modification time

      touch -m file.txt
  • Set a specific date and time

      touch -t 202406302359.59 file.txt
  • Reference another file's timestamps

      touch -r reference_file.txt target_file.txt
  • Do not create files if they do not exist

      touch -c file.txt

Advanced Usage

  • Create a file with a specific timestamp

      touch -t 202406302359.59 file.txt
  • Use the current time as the timestamp

      touch -d "now" file.txt
  • Set the timestamp to a specific date using -d

      touch -d "2023-06-30 23:59:59" file.txt

Practical Tips

  • Creating Empty Files: Use touch to quickly create placeholder files or to create files required by scripts or applications.

  • Updating Timestamps: Use touch to update the access or modification times of files without modifying their contents.

  • Setting Specific Timestamps: Use the -t or -d options to set specific timestamps, which can be useful for testing or when working with log files.

Quick Reference

  • Create an empty file:

      touch filename
  • Update access time:

      touch -a filename
  • Update modification time:

      touch -m filename
  • Set specific date and time:

      touch -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss] filename
  • Reference another file's timestamps:

      touch -r reference_file filename
  • Do not create files:

      touch -c filename

This cheatsheet covers the essential commands and options for using touch effectively, from creating empty files to updating and setting specific timestamps. Adjust the commands according to your specific requirements and environment.

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