GraphQL Cheat Sheet
GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows clients to request exactly the data they need, and nothing more. It enables efficient and flexible data fetching, making it a powerful tool for modern web development. Below is a comprehensive cheat sheet covering the basics of GraphQL syntax and operations.
Basic Syntax
- Queries: Request data.
- Mutations: Modify data.
- Subscriptions: Real-time data updates.
- Types: Define the shape of data.
Basic Query:
{ fieldName }
Query with Arguments:
{ fieldName(argumentName: argumentValue) { subField } }
Alias: Rename the result of a field.
{ customName: fieldName { subField } }
Fragments: Reuse parts of queries.
{ ...fragmentName } fragment fragmentName on TypeName { field1 field2 }
Basic Mutation:
mutation { fieldName(input: { argumentName: argumentValue }) { subField } }
Mutation with Variables:
mutation($input: InputType!) { fieldName(input: $input) { subField } }
{ "input": { "argumentName": "argumentValue" } }
- Basic Subscription:
subscription { fieldName { subField } }
Scalar Types: Basic data types.
: Integer.Float
: Floating-point number.String
: Text.Boolean
: Unique identifier.
Object Type:
type TypeName { field1: FieldType field2: FieldType }
Input Type:
input InputTypeName { field1: FieldType field2: FieldType }
Enum Type:
enum EnumName { VALUE1 VALUE2 }
Interface Type:
interface InterfaceName { field: FieldType }
Union Type:
union UnionName = Type1 | Type2
- Include/Skip Fields Conditionally:
query($includeField: Boolean!) { field @include(if: $includeField) { subField } }
Schema Definition
schema { query: QueryType mutation: MutationType subscription: SubscriptionType }
Root Query Type:
type Query { fieldName: FieldType }
Root Mutation Type:
type Mutation { fieldName(input: InputType): ReturnType }
Root Subscription Type:
type Subscription { fieldName: ReturnType }
Example Schema and Queries
Example Schema:
type Query { user(id: ID!): User users: [User] } type Mutation { createUser(input: CreateUserInput): User } type User { id: ID! name: String! email: String! } input CreateUserInput { name: String! email: String! }
Example Query:
{ user(id: "1") { id name email } }
Example Mutation:
mutation { createUser(input: { name: "Cloud Tuned", email: "" }) { id name email } }
Example Subscription:
subscription { userCreated { id name email } }
Common Patterns
{ users(first: 10, after: "cursor") { edges { node { id name } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } }
Error Handling: Errors are returned in the
field of the response.{ "errors": [ { "message": "Error message", "locations": [{ "line": 2, "column": 3 }], "path": ["fieldName"] } ] }
This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to essential GraphQL concepts and syntax, helping you build and query your GraphQL APIs efficiently. For more detailed information, refer to the GraphQL documentation.