Indexing DynamoDB Items to Elasticsearch using AWS Lambda
Indexing DynamoDB items to Elasticsearch can be a powerful way to enhance search capabilities for your application. By integrating AWS Lambda, you can create a seamless and real-time indexing solution that updates Elasticsearch whenever there are changes to your DynamoDB table.
Key Components:
DynamoDB: A fast and flexible NoSQL database service for any scale.
Elasticsearch: A search engine that provides full-text search capabilities.
AWS Lambda: A serverless compute service that runs code in response to events.
DynamoDB Streams: Capture changes to items in DynamoDB tables and forward them to AWS Lambda for processing.
Steps to Set Up Indexing:
1. Enable DynamoDB Streams
First, enable DynamoDB Streams on your DynamoDB table. This will capture changes (insert, update, delete) to items in the table.
Go to the DynamoDB console.
Select the table you want to index.
Click on the "Manage Stream" button.
Enable the stream and choose the "New and old images" option to capture both the old and new item images.
2. Create an AWS Lambda Function
Next, create a Lambda function that will process the stream records and index them to Elasticsearch.
Go to the AWS Lambda console.
Create a new function.
Choose a runtime (e.g., Python, Node.js).
Set up the Lambda function with the following code (this example uses Python):
import json
import boto3
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, RequestsHttpConnection
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth
# Initialize Elasticsearch client
region = 'your-region' # e.g., 'us-west-1'
service = 'es'
credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials()
aws_auth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, region, service, session_token=credentials.token)
es = Elasticsearch(
hosts = [{'host': 'your-es-domain-endpoint', 'port': 443}],
http_auth = aws_auth,
use_ssl = True,
verify_certs = True,
connection_class = RequestsHttpConnection
def lambda_handler(event, context):
for record in event['Records']:
if record['eventName'] == 'INSERT' or record['eventName'] == 'MODIFY':
# Extract new image
new_image = record['dynamodb']['NewImage']
document = {
'id': new_image['id']['S'],
'name': new_image['name']['S'],
'description': new_image['description']['S']
es.index(index='your-index-name', doc_type='_doc', id=new_image['id']['S'], body=document)
elif record['eventName'] == 'REMOVE':
old_image = record['dynamodb']['OldImage']
es.delete(index='your-index-name', doc_type='_doc', id=old_image['id']['S'])
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Successfully processed records')
Replace 'your-region'
, 'your-es-domain-endpoint'
, and 'your-index-name'
with your actual AWS region, Elasticsearch domain endpoint, and the index name you wish to use.
3. Add Permissions to Lambda
Ensure your Lambda function has the necessary permissions to access DynamoDB streams and Elasticsearch.
- Attach an IAM role to your Lambda function with permissions for
, andes:ESHttpPost
4. Configure DynamoDB Stream as Event Source
Link the DynamoDB stream to your Lambda function.
Go to the DynamoDB table details.
Under the "Triggers" tab, add a new trigger.
Select the Lambda function you created.
Save the trigger.
Testing and Monitoring
Test Your Setup: Insert, update, and delete items in your DynamoDB table and verify that the corresponding changes are reflected in Elasticsearch.
Monitor Logs: Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your Lambda function logs for any errors or issues.
Performance Tuning: Adjust the batch size and concurrency settings for your Lambda function based on the expected load and performance requirements.
Real-Time Indexing: Ensures that your Elasticsearch index is always up to date with the latest changes in your DynamoDB table.
Scalability: Leverages AWS Lambda's ability to scale automatically in response to DynamoDB stream events.
Serverless: Minimizes infrastructure management by using AWS managed services.
By following these steps, you can set up a robust and scalable solution for indexing DynamoDB items to Elasticsearch using AWS Lambda, enhancing your application's search capabilities.